Engine Sensors

Engine Coolant Temp. Sensor
Its function is to instruct radiator fan to turn on and cool down the liquid when temperature reaches above 75 deg C.
Its is usually located at the bottom of radiator or top radiator hose towards engine block.

Air Temperature Sensor
Air temperature sensor tells temperature of air going into engine.
It is usually located in air filter box or pipe that is attached to the air filter box.

MAP Sensor
Manifold Absolute Pressure sensor measures air pressure which tells ECM the current altitude of a vehicle.
It is bolted on the intake manifold or linked with a vacuum pipe from intake manifold.

Mass Air Flow Sensor
This type of sensor measures the volume of air entering into engine.
It produces more current to keep temperature required by the manufacturer, it is located on air cleaner box.

Crank Shaft Sensor
It works to locate the exact position of crank shaft & to show rpm of engine.
It is located at the bottom of engine & closed to crank shaft.

Camshaft Sensor
It is an electromagnetic sensor which produces voltage when a metal object moves past it.
The sensor contacts with ECM for position of camshaft, it is fixed at the end of camshaft.

Oxygen Sensor
It can detect the oxygen content so as to know about fuel amount consumed by the engine.
There are two types of oxygen sensors, one is zirconia and another one is titania.

Throttle Position Sensor
This sensor is linked with accelerator pedal and throttle body, sends information about injector pulse width & spark timing.
It is located in throttle body and it is not washable nor repairable.

Knock Sensor
This sensor detects mechanical stress and produces a voltage when the car knocks.
It also allows different grade fuel without any type of engine problem & it is fixed in engine body.

Acceleration Sensor
Used in vehilce with ABS, ESP it registrs accelerations in the X, Y and Z axes.
This sensor is integrated into circuit board (SMD).

Yaw-rate sensor
This sensor is registers the rotational movement of the vehicle around its vertical axis.
It is located in passenger compartment.

Accelerator-pedal module
This sensor is linked with accelerator pedal it registers the driver's demand for torque.
It is located Accelerator-pedal.